On 9 November 2018 the meeting of Patronato INAS CISL,vtitled “Proximity listening to the person”, was conclude in Rome. The managers of INAS offices in Italy and the overseas took part toghether with numerous guests, representatives of the political world, and the government, researchers and union members.
It was an appointment to highlight the importance of the patronato. A reality which, in 2017 followed over 1,700,000 subscribers in Italy and 56,000 overseas (of which 901,000 women and 883,000 men mainly between 36-60 years of AGE) totalling 2,248,185 cases in Italy and 113,599 overseas.
Patronato has 704 offices in Italy and 92 overseas and almost 1,500 employees and assistants in Italy and over 3,000 volunteers, 174 employees overseas, in 21 countries to be exact and more than 500 doctors and solicitors.
“Our ability to listen to people with their needs through the work of the patronato and services offered by CISL has assisted us to make people feel less lonely due to situations caused by the crisis. For thi reason today’s appointment has come at the right time, because there is nothing more important than self dignity and work.” This is how Annamaria Furlan, Secretary General of CISL, closed the INAS meeting.